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skin care review :Pond's white beauty naurals skin care

Finally i'm back to Pond's!! hehehe..Pond's was one of my favourite when i was in high school until college (always switch from one brand to another, and pond's was my cheap yet great alternative product). I remember the first Pond's product was that white-pink on the tube, at that time it was only a single cream to use day and night, before they launch the day and night version.
First time i read a post and review about this new Pond's was in fashionese daily, and not long after that i read more reviews about this Pond's new line on many beauty bloggers. So yes, i wanted to try too! first, it's Pond's, i'm familiar with the brand, and second, it's a cheap buy. I couldn't buy it straightaway because the line is not available in Yemen, so when i travelled to Jakarta i bought this set, and i tried it there and took it here to try it again. so, let's see.
this line comes with green colour, gentle exfoliating foam, day cream and night cream. yup. that's it, no toner. too bad. and the fact that the line doesn't comes with toner is a down side for me. i hate to pick a toner from different line or brand. i like everything in set! hehehe. but anyway, i picked pond's white beauty (the one in pink). Both are white beauty line. i was confused at first, i thought Pond's already had white beauty line, the pink one, the first line from Pond's, why they created this? well, the different it on the word "natural" for the green one. ah. so you mean the pink one is not as natural as green? hehe.seriously, i don't know and i'm lazy to look why. so if you have any idea about the difference from the green white beauty and pink white beauty, please let me know. For now, all i can think is that the difference beetween those two is in the ingridients. the green one use camellia leaf extract. maybe because of that it's natural?

anyway, enough of guessing, i will just write the review and tell you my experience using this.

Pond's white beauty naturals gentle exfoliating foam
Information from the packaging :
containing the extraordinary Camelia leaf extract, this foaming cleanser deeply cleanses the skin to wash away dirts, oil and imputities that cause dullnes,and gently exfoliates your skin to reveal your bright, sparkling clean skin underneath. the first step for a fair beauty that lasts. Dermatology tested.

how to enjoy bright, sparkling clean, beautiful skin : use every morning and evening as the first step in your skin care routine. Apply foam with circular movement over moistened face, rinse with water.
use with Pond's white beauty natural day cream and night cream for long lasting clear, healthy whiter skin.

texture :
it's creamy, with tiny green scrubs. i almost can't feel the scrubs as they are so tiny and soft.
my experience with pond's white beauty natural gentle exfoliating foam.
first, i like the texture and how easy to make a foam with it. But when i wash it off with water, i could feel and hear that squeeky. oh no.. this will make my skin dry. well, it cleans well, but with that squeeky thing. and maybe for some person they will feel tight after that. as for me, the moment i rinse off with water, i could feel my skin getting dry, and i knew i have to put moisturiser straightaway or my face will reallly get dry and flaky.
so, to be honest, i'm dissapointed with this. sorry. next!

Pond's white beauty natural day cream

the tube is same shape and packaging like the foam, but this one is smaller.
texture :
the testure is like a light creamy lotion. thicker than some korean brand's emulsion i've tried, but thinner than a cream.
my experience with pond's white beauty natural day cream.
actually the texture is nice. it is rich enough as a moisturiser. when i was in jakarta i didn't feel like i need a night cream, i could just use this as anight cream too because it is rich enough and keep my face moisturised.
BUT..... yes, theres is a big BUT in here. as i applied this cream on my face, i felt some burning although my face was not in sensitive mode. That burning is really uncomfortable, sometimes with a little itchy. Actually, i remember when i was in school and first time using Pond's white beauty the pink one, i felt the same sensation, a little burning feeling, but i also remember it was only for the first 3-5 days, it was like my skin was trying to adapted with the product, and after that the feeling was gone and i continued using that product. so with this one, i just continue using this although i felt uncomfortable during application, with a hope that after  3-5 days it would gone. well, after a week, it still gave me that burning sensation. arrrrgggghh..ok, so i stoped using this and packed it in my bag when i went back to Yemen. Just a week ago, i thought, ok let's give it a try once again. and... sadly, still didn't work for me. still get that burning feel on my face.although no break out, no zits, no redness, i don't want to risk my skin, so i stopped using this. hikkkkssss..

Pond's white beauty natural night cream.

the packaging is quite nice. it comes in this transparant glass jar. there is another plastic cap inside.
texture :
the texture is a little bit thicker than the day cream. too bad, i can't say much about this night cream. all i can say, it's just same like the day cream. it gave me those burning feeling, so i stopped using this. sigh.

conclusion :
too bad, really. maybe this product is just not for me. did you see that cream on the photo above? still lots of it in a jar!!! like new! and i just can't use it! if i were in Jakarta i would just give this to my friend or anybody or my reader who wants to try this. Just because it's not good for me doesn't mean it's not good for you, right. i think for me the original white beauty (the pink one) is better than this, or at least suit me better than this.
so so sorry, Pond's but it doesn't make stop buying Pond's products. in fact i am planning to buy the set of Pond's gold radiance on my next trip to Jakarta!

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