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the first term of year 11...

The day I post this I have finished my first term of year 11. It's been the most stressful but fun term I've ever had and I thought I'd reflect about it on my blog.

I began Year 11 unsure where I fit in my year and soon enough found a great friendship group that for the first time I feel fully included in. When I look back at how I felt at the end of year 10 I'm very glad that I feel much more happier and confident now. At the end of year 10 I just wanted to get year 11 over and done with but now I've changed my mind, I'm not looking forward to leaving at all!
There has always been ups and downs in my friendships this year, there will always be those people who seemingly look for drama at every oppotunity, but I'm at that point now that I don't really care about what those who don't matter say or think.

Workwise year 11 has typically been the hardest year so far. I did my mock exams in December - I'll see how those went next term - but I feel like I did as well as I can. I applied for college this term and decided which A-Levels I will be taking, hopefully English Combined, Modern History and French. Two of them I'm very excited about and one I'm... working on. I feel like I need English for the type of career I plan on having and I'm just hoping it's a lot better at college than it is at high school.

Our school held 'mock interviews' which were actually so helpful, the experience made me feel a lot more relaxed about my college interview which will happen next term! I took a few of my blog posts along with me to my interview and I was really pleased with how they went down. I've always been a little scared about telling people about my blog and getting a good response really makes it worth it.

Outside of school, this term many exciting things happened. I went to see McFly at the beginning of the term in September and then met Tom Fletcher AND HE READ MY BLOG!! I still can't believe this happened and it's definitely my proudest achievement to date. I also went to see a recording of The Voice Kids after my mocks in December which was an amazing experience. I've also got to know some amazing blogging friends this year and I'm feeling very inspired about blogging right now which I haven't actually been the past few months - I'm so ready to blog in 2017!

I hope you enjoyed the different style of post from me as I've never done anything like this before and I'll update you in Easter as I enter the busiest term ever!

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