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The Key to Clear Beautiful Skin

One thing all of us people suffer with is breakouts and bad skin every now and again. Here is my advice and tips on what u should and shouldn't be doing to your skin to get a healthy glow.

Drink plenty of water

- As you all know water is the best thing to keep you healthy inside and out. Water is one of the best things to keep the skin clear and glowing, try to drink around 2 litres of water a day.

Have a good diet

- Eating lots of sugary, salty, greasy foods is not going to help your skin in any way. These cause breakouts, so if you have a bad diet and your skin isn't clear then maybe its the bad foods that could be causing this problem. If you want your skin to be clear and glowing, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and nuts. Set yourself a good daily healthy routine and then treat yourself every once and a while.

Wash off makeup before Bed

- Wash makeup of every single night!! Do not sleep with your make up on, it is so bad for the skin as it sinks in to skin and clogs up your pores causing breakouts and blackheads.

Get a good nights sleep

- Not getting enough sleep can cause your skin to become tired and dull. If you want healthy skin try getting enough sleep, at least 8 hours every night.

Cleanse, tone and moisturize am and pm

- Cleaning your skin is the most important! you cannot expect to have clear healthy glowing skin without keeping a good skincare routine. Get into a routine of washing your face every morning with a good cleanser, toner and moisturiser. and then doing the same every night before bed.

Exfoliate and scrub once or twice a week

- Doing this every day will only dry out your skin, because an exfoliate and scrub are quiet harsh on the skin. I recommend doing these once or twice a week to get rid of any dead skin and dirt within the skin.

Use a face mask once a week

- A face mask really detoxs the skin, so that is why it is only recommended to do so once a week, as it can cause the skin to become irritated and sensitive if done every day.

Get a facial
- Getting a facial of a professional every once and a while is very good for  the skin. Facials deep clean the skin and get rid of the dirt buried within your pores. They bring out the dirt from underneath your skin and will leave you with some pimples here and there but that's how you know it worked and within a few days they will disappear and your skin will look and feel amazing!


 - Exercise is important to staying healthy and keeping your skin clear, exercise for 15 to 30 minutes daily to keep the toxins in your body at bay and to maintain clear skin.

Change your pillow case 

- Oil from your hair will get onto your pillowcase as you sleep, them oils will then sink into your skin. So try to change your pillow case once a week.

Don't stress about your spots 

- Nothing worse than waking up, looking in the mirror and seeing you have a huge spot on an important day! automatically you become so stressed out about it and wonder how your going to cover it. but if you do this, it will only cause more spots to appear, so don't stress about them! Its okay to get them every once and while.

Clean your makeup brushes

- This is something a lot of girls do not do. You should always clean your makeup brushes after a certain amount of uses, but especially if you have a break out. Always wash your brushes before applying makeup after you have already used them while having a breakout, this will help to prevent them from spreading.
- Baby shampoo is the best to use on your makeup brushes because its mild and wont damage the brush hairs.

Hope this is helpful to you guys
Thanks so much for reading
Lyndsey xo

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