The bad, very bad, news has come in this morning from SKY MOVIES HD in the UK that it will no longer be showing the critically acclaimed THE CLONE WARS animated series on its channel from its brand new fourth season onwards. A shame as they really were the best channel to showcase the series and did a very good job publicising it. No reasons have yet been given for this important decision-though I'm assuming it may be down to the usual bug-bears of high purchase costs and possible low ratings. No news yet either as to who may be showing the series in its place, though perhaps CARTOON NETWORK UK (owned by WARNER BROTHERS, who showcase the series for LUCASFILM) may finally get it exclusively sooner rather than later...
Looks like the only way we'll get the series in future without commercials, and in proper widescreen, will be to purchase it as complete season box sets, though I hope this isn't the case-such a well crafted series should be made available on TV and DVD/Blu-ray for everyone to enjoy!
This news is not a great way to start a Thursday, and a major blow for UK fans, but more info as and when we get it...
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