Ali Muhammad
The Islamic state has attacked Iran and th first question one needs to ponder is whose Islamic State decided to attack the hardliners in Iran. Was it Russia's Islamic state or America's own hoe grown Islamic state with political hack John McCain supporting based out of Syria. It could of been Qatar or Saudi Arabia's Islamic State warriors and indeed they are the most likely culprit as they are long enemies of the Persian interpretation of Islam that they took and molded differently from the Arab invaders. maybe the British Empires Islamist warriors were behind this massive attack on Iran's parliament and shrine towards their spiritual leader ayatollah and the revolutionary plaza in honor of the Shiite revolution.
The Islamic State and all the other terrorist groups are funded from a variety of sources and mercenary armies from modern European and American empires and the Gulf states to export terrorists from their kingdom and to track and surveillance potential terrorists in the region. They can also be used a s a political weapon as these attacks occurred shortly after Donald Trump's meeting with the reactionary Saudi Arabia and a new emphasis to isolate the sand oil kingdom of Qatar. the leaders of Iran's parliament chanted death to America and blame this terrorist attack by the Islamic state on Saudi America fossil-fuel complex and vowed revenge in some way perhaps setting up their own Islamic State franchise throughout the West and with a Shiite tinged flavor to it.
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